Snowbirding in the past was more about retirees from the North East migrating south to Florida for the winter months. Today snowbirding has expanded with the flexibility of RV Living and Extended Stay RV Parks. From the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest and the North East retirees as well as those taking advantage of work from home careers are joining the snowbirding trend and moving south for the winter months. Arizona, Florida and Texas are three of the most popular states for snowbirds.
RV ownership is no longer just about family vacations and traveling the country experiencing points of interest all across the United States. As Americans have accepted flexible living arrangements like RV Living, opportunities have expanded to live in other locations either permanently or seasonally. Add to that the work from home movement has also encouraged people to take advantage of relocating just about anywhere.
Benefits of Snowbirding in Texas
North Texas can still experience a good bit of frigid temperatures and precipitation for several weeks out of the winter. The further you move south the warmer and less likely for hazardous winter weather will occur. Below we will take a little closer look at the benefits of snowbirding in Texas.
Health and Wellness Benefits
When the frigid temperatures and snow envelope the North Snowbirds in Texas typically experience much milder weather which allows them to get outside for fresh air. Being cooped up in your home during the weather can have a negative impact on the air quality inside your home. The more time you can spend outside the better. Plus opening and closing the doors more frequently allows for the air inside to be exchanged with fresher air from outside.
With the milder temperatures there are also more opportunities to get outside for walks, bike rides and other physical activities. No one really wants to get outside for a bike ride in freezing temperatures. The warmer weather during the winter helps encourage people to get outside, hang out with friends, shop, go sightseeing and other activities they might enjoy.
Escaping Winter Weather Hazards
Extreme winter weather can be dangerous and difficult to deal with. Besides the frigid temperatures, snow and ice can cause accidents to you and your property. From hazards while traveling icy roads to something simple like checking your mailbox an accident can happen quickly. We can take precautions for our vehicles and our persons but removing yourself from the winter weather might be your best option.
The first snow of the winter or a White Christmas often brings fond memories and good fun. But, a prolonged snow event can be life threatening in a number of ways. That is one of the reasons that some people prefer to move south for the winter in their Recreational Vehicles. These snowbirds chase warmer climates to avoid the pitfalls of blizzards and ice storms. An extended stay RV park is often the choice for these migrating RV enthusiasts.
Enjoying Outdoor Activities
Another of the benefits of flexible living in warmer climates is enjoying outdoor activities during the winter. When the temperatures are milder there are more opportunities for outdoor activities like walking, fishing, hiking, jogging, tennis, pickle ball and bike riding. Arizona, Texas and Florida offer abundant outdoor activities for all ages. Snowbirds that enjoy getting outside and being active are taking full advantage of moving south for the winter.
Lower Cost of Living
Depending upon where you live you may be experiencing a higher cost of living. For people that live in the North East for example they often have higher costs for fuel, food, entertainment and living expenses. By researching opportunities in the warmer climates you can often reduce your cost of living by moving south for the winter or maybe even year round.
With flexible living and flexible employment arrangements moving to a lower cost area is really doable. Living in an RV really opens up your options for where you want to live for good or seasonally. A little research on areas you are interested in living in can help you make a solid choice for your winter or seasonal home.

Here in Lufkin, Texas we have mild winters and a lower cost of living. There are plenty of activities for snowbirds to enjoy and being located in Deep East Texas we are not that far from the Gulf Coast and Houston. We are just minutes from several museums, shopping, golf, fantastic dining and beautiful lakes.
Our RV Park in Lufkin is located in a quiet community with tall trees, walking trails and two fishing ponds. The Farm RV Park is a great choice for Snowbirds moving South for the Winter. When you are ready to explore moving to warmer locations in Texas we would invite you to consider us for your seasonal home. We have a friendly community and a staff that is always happy to help you get the most from your RV Lifestyle.